
Monday, May 13, 2024

Day 5: Presidents, Pirates, and Predictions

     Coming at you from the hotel lobby at 10:49pm it’s Jack and Savannah with the daily recap. First and foremost, happy Mother’s Day to all of the amazing Math and the Mouse Moms who support us at home and here in Orlando (love you Brandy and Amy!). Additionally, huge shout out and big thank you to honorary MayX mom Dr. Bouzarth for all of the hard work she puts in each day to give us this unforgettable experience.

    We began today with more work on our optimization project due Tuesday, with most groups finishing their analysis and beginning PowerPoints. We are equally excited and nervous to present to the class and receive feedback on all of our hard work over the past four days.

     Following this group work, we had a quick class on solving prediction problems with linear algebra. This took many of us down memory lane as it relates to one of the core math courses at Furman, Math 160! At the end of class, we were introduced to TTP, or the Traveling Tourist Problem. This problem asks given the estimated wait times for twelve rides in the Magic Kingdom, what is the fastest order to ride all twelve? Tomorrow, we tackle this problem by breaking into groups of three and competing for the fastest time. May the best group win!



    Around 4pm, we made our way over to the Magic Kingdom for the second time this MayX to have a group dinner and explore the park on our own.


(Jack) After dinner, Hayes, Riley, Jacob, Erin, and I headed over to Tomorrowland’s PeopleMover. This is a slower trolley-like ride that guides you around Tomorrowland, showing off all of its best rides and attractions. As soon as we stepped off the ride, it was a mad dash across the park to reach the Hall of Presidents in time for its next showing. We made it with a few minutes to spare and enjoyed a 20-minute presentation on the history of the Office of the President, who has held it, and how it has shaped America’s trajectory over the past two and a half centuries. Following the show, we returned to Tomorrowland to ride the Astro Orbiter, which flew us high above and gave a great view of the surrounding park. Before we reconvened with everyone else at the Tron Lightcycle Run, our group rode the Barnstormer and drove on Tomorrowland Speedway, both of which had less than 10-minute waits!


(Savannah) After eating together in the park, Morgan and I went to our favorite
ride in the Magic Kingdom: Pirates of the Caribbean. I purchased my first pair of Mickey ears (pirate themed of course) and Morgan and I bought matching pirate swords to take onto the ride. Fully equipped with pirate regalia, we happily hopped in line (6 times to be exact) for the swashbuckling experience. We started collecting data on different aspects of the ride in hopes that we can build a project based around this ride later in the MayX. After our 2-hour pirate extravaganza, we got some photos taken and headed to Tomorrowland to regroup with everybody and ride Tron Lightcycle Run.


    At 8:30pm, all of us met outside the Tron Lightcylce Run to experience one of the newest, fastest, and best rides in all of Disney. Accelerating to nearly 60 miles per hour on a motorcycle-like seat capped off our best day at Disney yet. We are completely unbiased in that description, and we ended our day with a race against the crowds of firework-watching-fanatics.


    Yet another exhausting and rewarding day at Math and the Mouse, and we look forward to leaving for Magic Kingdom again at 6:45am tomorrow where we will take on the Traveling Tourist Problem. Let the race begin!


This has been Jack and Savanah, signing off from the hotel lobby at 1:06am.


Honorary Photos:

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